Springs of Revival International
 If you can't stand in the gap for yourself, you can't stand in the gap for your family
If you can't stand in the gap for yourself, you can't stand in the gap for your family



I will share with you about to stand in the gap.

Yes, today we need to stand in the gap. First of all, you have to stand in the gap for yourself. If you can't stand in the gap for yourself, you can't stand in the gap for your family, you can't stand in the gap for, or even for nations. So many people don't take time to stand in the gap for themselves.

Come into your own promises

It's so important to stand and fight to come into your own promises. You have a promised land to come into. Uh, I remember when I came to the Lord many years ago, Jesus came in that meeting, in the house meeting, and he, he revealed him for me and, um, I had to repent, I had to give my life to him, and it was such a blessing to meet Jesus.

I, I felt so bad, but that also, he gave me a mark. He called me that day to lead my people, says, said Jesus to me. From that day, I start to, to read the Bible because I have never been reading the Bible. I have to fight for myself. I have to, to fight for all the attacks from the devil. I have to build up with the Holy Spirit's power a life in holiness, in repentance.

Walk in faithfulness

To, to be, walk in faithfulness, not to, to trust Jesus in everything. I, I mean, the day after I met Jesus, I was out knocking on doors and telling people about Jesus. I spoke at, at work, oh, I have met Jesus, the tremendous, He is the everything. Then all the trouble started. I had a promised land to come into.

It's your land

And many speaking about this that, using the old scripture, If my people humble their self, I shall come and heal their land. Today, It's your land, it's your promised land. In the Old Testament, it was only the kings that, or the prophets, that had the Spirit of the Lord. Today, you have the Holy Spirit. You are in one with Christ, and you have to enter into the Lord's plan.

The devil will attack

You have to stand in the gap and come into your own spiritual life. The devil will attack, he will push, he will do everything to get you back into his hell. But, we have to fight, you have to pray, you have to confess, you have really to fight for it. In the prayer closet, no one can help you, only Jesus. To become with one in Christ, then you are one with his victory.

And then you can start to, to pray for other people, like King David. He has to fight with the lions, with the bear, all the animals, when he was guarding the sheep in his home, before he could go and take Goliath. He has to show that he was worthy. To take Goliath that he was trusting the Lord in everything and we has to trust Jesus in everything He's the solution but every attack everything we has to ask him how to pray what to do Some years many many years ago.

Than Jesus came to me

Than Jesus came to me and said Hans Peter You shall stand between the altar, between the throne, and the people in prayers. And, for me it was strange. I was thinking about this. I was praying about it. But my heart was not there. And, uh, Some, Some years later, Reinhardt Bunke, he was in Norway, in Oslo.

Tremendous big conference. So much people. And Reinhardt Bunke, he said, You can't come up and have my anointing. You can't come up. You have to pay for your own anointing. You can't, I, I, I can't give you my anointing. I can't touch you and you receive my anointing. You have to be faithful. And you build up your own anointing.

You own annointing

In the end of the meeting, everyone, thousands of people running forward because they want to have the anointing of Reinhardt Bunker. And I said to mom and the team we were together, I said, People, they are so stupid, these Christian people. They can't listen. It's so, Reinhardt Bunker told them, You can't come up and have my anointing.

But everyone won't believe it because it's so much teaching about it that you can have another person's anointing, but you have to have the anointing from the Lord, not from people. Some people can just release the anointing, like Paul was doing with Timothy. To stand in the gap, but Timothy has to work on his own anointing to stand in the gap for the people and Therefore you has to build up the walls your life in the Old Testament.

We already live in the promised land

They built the wall around Jerusalem. Today we are living in the new Jerusalem already heaven has come near we are already living in the promised land Land in the promised city because it's Jesus is saying the heaven's kingdom is near and we are walking into heaven's kingdom when we get born again.

Remember that we are living in already there in the spirit. Later on it will be also seen that we are living in the new Jerusalem already and we have to build our own walls. With a clean life, with holy life, with faith, to trust the Lord in everything. And then, in Zechariah 2. 5, it, it's, the Lord is saying, For I, says the Lord, will build a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst today.

And that's the Lord is doing. If we are, as an old Christian family, we have all built up. Uh, the walls around us, we have become the new Jerusalem. It's written here, the Lord will gather us. He will be a wall of fire all around her. Us, the bride. And I will be the glory in the midst of her. He will be with the glory.

Zechariah 2:5

in the middle of us. It's in Zechariah 2:5. The old prophet is speaking about this time. About to living as a bride of Christ. The new religion of Islam is the bride of Christ also. And we are the bride. Not many speak, not speak so much about the bride. But it's so important. As I told you, I was in this conference and when we were sitting in the car going home, I was complaining.

You know, we are so easy to complain. But we are not allowed to complain special about others. Pastors, and friends, and someone. Who are we who shall complain on others? And I will complain. Oh, these stupid Christians, and oh, they are so dumb. And yes, we have a lot of funny words in Norwegian about this.

My flesh

But I shall not mention that. Because it was not, it was very fleshly. And, uh, and, uh, so I, and, uh, Jesus spoke to me. Hans Petter, what are you complaining of? I said, what? Yes, I'm complaining about all your Christians. And he said, why, why are you complaining? You have not been done what I told you to do. I said, oh, I don't remember.

You know, it has been some years from this situation, from before that Jesus spoke to me to stand in the gap, to pray. And the Lord said, you have not been praying as I told you. And then I remember, I said, sorry, Jesus, but my heart is not there. For me, all these crazy Christians, they have Bibles, they have all kinds of conferences, Christian books.

And for me, if they don't understand it, they can go to hell for me. That was my heart that time. And then, Jesus said that, But you have to do it. You have to pray. Stand in the gap and pray for your people. And, and then I said, I can only do it if you give your prayers into my heart. So I can pray like you are praying in heaven.

A changed heart

You know, Jesus is praying 24/7 in heaven. For us he is standing in the gap today for us and then Jesus start to change my heart He gave his prayers into my heart suddenly I was on prayer meeting with Jesus in heaven when I was standing in the gap I was not praying out from my mind. I was praying Jesus prayer into people's situation.

And that's quite different that most people doing because they pray out from the mind, they pray out from all the bad things they see around them. And then they pray and trying to stand the gap. But when you pray with Jesus in the gap, when you're standing in the gap with Jesus, you see the seekers behind the demons behind.

And that's also written in Ephesians 6 that we has a fight against demons and principality in the second heaven. That's over battle. It's not people. It's not pastors. It's not the neighbor pastor. It's not your bishop. It's not your neighbor that attack you. It's not the man that perhaps, uh, run away with your wife or a man that running away with your husband or a lady running away with the husband.

You have to take the demons behind

And in Jesus name and with love, pray, have mercy, have mercy. You from Uganda, you know very well the Queen of Bagdora. It was in, I think, 2007 or 2006, we were in Kampala. And when you start to to move to stand in the gap, the Lord will use you also to do it in the practical way.

Terrorist attack at the queen of Pandora

Send the Lord spoke to me. I in in Kampala that some people, some terrorists, they want to make an attack and kill the queen of Pandora, go to her and warn her. And I think okay, but not easy to go to the Queen of Pandora. I am a Norwegian, and, uh, and, but I wrote, wrote down the, the prophetic words, and, uh, a friend, they, we went, we called, and we went up to the office, to the Queen of Bagdora, and I delivered the prophetic word, that she has to be aware, and be in security.

Or she will be killed. And it was serious. It was from the Lord. And we were there two more days. And the day we had take off on flight going home back to Norway. It was early in the morning. That day a war started in the streets of Kampala. So many people get injured, killed. We were safe on the way to Norway, and the Queen, she had come into a secret place.

The queen listened to the prophetic word

She was also safe because she listened to the prophetic word, the warning from a man that has been standing in the gap. But also that it's written that we shall pray for Like, we shall pray for people around, we shall pray for government, for kings and queens, and it's important. But also want, it was in 2011, I had a prayer walk, walking, uh, 650 kilometers.

From my hometown to, uh, what we call the spiritual, uh, capital in Norway, Trondheim. I walked on my feet 660 kilometers. It took 21 days in, in, it was in February. It's the wintertime. And I was praying and praying for Norway. For Revival, for Revival for Europe, to open the gate from the North for Revival through Europe back to Jerusalem.

Pray like King David

It's written, it shall come a Revival from North, South, East and West back to Jerusalem, before Jesus can come back. And, so I was walking and praying, and then Jesus started to... Speak to me and said, pray like King David. And, uh, now we try Elia. He want to be a part of it. He was working, laughed, it was not working.

We try this time with my phone. So I was walking and praying and then I start to listen on my audio. I'll do Bible about King David, and he was a bold prayer. He was a bold warrior to kill people, but also to pray. And then I started to listen, really, the Lord showed me how King David prayed. He prayed. We should pray for government.

All your enemies that not want to repent, remove them. That's my prayer for government. Everyone in the government and the parliament that not want to obey the Lord and is fighting against him, remove them. And I have seen Several people in the government has been removed, even the last month. I have been praying, Lord, reveal the secret truth behind the ministers.

And suddenly we see in the newspaper, Oh, they have been doing very bad things financial. They have been on the stock market and all kinds of things. When we pray, the Lord answer. Because we are praying about righteousness in our country. And it's Also, I made some words here. So it has It has to be really in deep prayers to stand in the gap.

A prophet from US

Also, when the Lord called mom and me to travel, I remember I was almost a newborn Christian and we went for a conference. And a prophet from US, he came and he said a lot of funny things to send us to Asia, Africa, all these things. And as a missionaries, I said, that man is stupid. But I don't want to say that it has happened.

Everything what they have prophesied, it has happened. I came to Africa, to a place I hated before in Asia. Too hot, too much snakes, scorpions, spiders. I hate it, but I love the people. The devil will always try to scare us with uncomfortable things, like spiders, snakes. Or he also try to trick us with the same temptation like he used to.

The temtation of Jesus

With Eve, in the Garden of Eden, he said, If you eat of that tree, you will be like God. He used the same trick with Jesus. He tried to use it with Jesus in the desert. Oh, if you bow down for me, you will be like God. You will have everything. You will have the most famous servants of the Lord. Or for me, if you bow down for me, I will give you everything.

He showed Jesus the cross that day. You don't need to enter the cross if you bow down for me. I will give it to you without because I have the control and I can give the control over to you if you bow down for me. And that's the same temptation we have today. That the devil tried to trick us before we go to the Gap, and even when we're standing in the Gap, he's coming, Oh, you will be famous.

Lifting others up

You will be big. Oh, you will be rich. Resist it. Be holy. Be holy. And keep to be humble. A leader, we are standing in the gap for people to lift them higher than ourself, not to be on the top, but to lift people up higher in prayers, push up people, give birth to people's lives. uh, spiritual life. So people can come in and we can help people to come into their salvation, into their anointing, to help come into, to their, what they shall do about the spiritual things in, in their life.

A prophetic word to our Norwegian king

We can do it. We can help them in prayers. But they have to pay their price by themselves. And, uh, also, sometimes when you stand in the gap, it's not so nice. Uh, I went on the prayer walk to Trondheim. I got a prophetic word to our Norwegian king. And that was, I delivered that by the castle. And then I had the prophetic warning to our parliament.

And that was also very fine. It was, it was okay. And I had a big sword with me on my back, really a crusader sword, uh, very heavy. And I was inside the parliament with that, uh, and reading the prophetic words for the president in the parliament. It was a big warning about the Parliament, the members had to repent and bring Norway back to Christ, back to the Biblical foundation.

The worst terror attack in the Europe history

They didn't listen and the worst terror attack in the Europe history happened some months later in July. More than 70 people, young people, get murdered by one person and he blew a bump outside the government building that destroyed the whole buildings around that bump. It's still destroyed, they are now building new buildings.

That happened in 2011 and it's still not repaired. It was a mayor bump and that's also special because we, after the parliament, I went down to the, the builder, uh, to the building for the ministers and, and we had a socialistic, uh, prime minister at that time, and up from Outside there and we had the election that time and I was praying that with my sword and praying and cutting off the links or the change what the socialist, the communist have in over the Parliament and, uh, and ever government.

And while I was praying, the Minister of Finances, a lady came in his limo, and she saw me there and she was so scared. So she ran. I didn't see her, but I prayed. And, uh, then, later on, the police came, I get arrested. Exactly on the spot where the bomb was blown some month later. The man parked at the same spot that I got arrested.

The Lord brought me out of jail

But the Lord brought me out of jail. And this man, he is now the leader of NATO, Stoltenberg. He was the Prime Minister that time, but he was removed. And now we have a very crazy... Prime Minister and ministers and my prayers every day, Lord, remove them before they destroy my nation. Remove them, Lord, because I have been praying so much mercy for them, but they don't want it get really bad.

Binding the principalities

So I said, Lord, remove them. Do it in your way. So when the time is there, they will be removed. You have to stand in the gap, but not only pray. You have to take the devil by the horn and throw him away. You have to take the principalities and bind them. And we have to release, it's also written in the same, whatever we bind or we lose in heaven shall be bind.

And that's in the second heaven and the third heaven. What we bind in the second heaven of the devil, It's fine. The devil cannot move if we bind him up, because we are doing in the name of the almighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the living almighty God. We have such a power in the name of Jesus.

Speak the will of Jesus

All authority is in the name of Jesus. Use the name of Jesus and use the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to... Speak out the spiritual Lord's will. That's so important. Not running around and shouting, but speak the will of Jesus. Because many times we want to kill people, almost. But we have to be ready. The Lord pushed me last October to the last point to be ready to die for my worst enemy.

Don't hate him, but love him. Bless him and be ready to die for him. That Jesus was doing on the cross. He died for his worst enemies also. If everyone that received Jesus repent and received Jesus, the past is gone. And if we pray and people repent, they have eternity. Whatever they have been doing, they are forgiven.

Pray with love

And that's also important when we're standing in the gap to pray with love. Pray with love for the people, but as a mighty warrior to take down every principalities. It's working. I have seen it's working. Muhammad and I, we always, we go to new nations. We go, before we do any crusades, Muhammad and I, we travel and we pray.

We have been in, many many years ago, I had the big sword with me in Uganda. I was in the Sword of Nile, or in Jinnah, with the sword, and praying for healing to all the nations that the River of Nile is flowing through. And it will happen. I knew it will happen. Revival will come upon all these nations. And it has happened.

You see, also. I, like Eslin, we have, coming to Malawi, I have been praying so much for Malawi the last weeks and months. I have prepared the visit in prayers to take down the principalities of Malawi, because we have to do it before we go in with the Gospel.

In Bhutan

Some years ago, or many years ago, Ago we should go into Bhutan to preach the gospel gospel. And in that time when, uh, if you preach the gospel there, you really got in trouble in jail and very bad jail. And, but before we could do that, we has to. And you have to have a guide that is guiding you around Bhutan. As a tourist, you are not allowed to go alone. But we were blessed.

The Lord sent a tourist guide, a Christian pastor

He was a pastor. He was also renting out cars. And he was driving us around. And we told him, just drive as we tell you to drive us. And the Lord guides us to every... Important points in that nation and we were praying and binding the principalities. Later on, we start evangelizing, we start to, to speak to, to send missionaries into Bhutan, and today it's more than 400 house churches inside Bhutan.

It's allowed to, to speak about Jesus on the streets. The Lord has changed the nation. It's so. It's so important to stand in the gap and fight for your area, for your neighbors. Pray that the Lord is pouring out His Spirit. Pray for your family, but keep on praying for yourself so the devil not take you down.

It's so important. It's a, we are in a season for big harvest. And restoration. Restoration, we are still, many of us, we are, we have troubles with the families, that they will always use the family to attack us. The closest friends, coming with smooth words, no, you can't do it like that. Even good Christian friends say, no, that's too extreme.

Nothing is too extreme with Jesus

Of course, he is the living God. And He is living inside us. Remember, we are today the temple of living stones. We are building the temple of living stones. Remember, we are the Ark where the Living Word, the Mana, is living inside us. And God is dwelling inside us, the living God is dwelling inside everyone that has received Jesus as Savior and received the Holy Spirit.

God is dwelling inside us

In the Old Testament, He was dwelling in the, in the temple, but today we are the temple. Remember that, and thank you so much for listening to this teaching. Stand in the gap. Begin in the beginning to stand in the gap for yourself, to be free, to be righteous, to come close to Jesus and be one with Him.

Take the Goliaths

Then you go out and take the Goliaths. And the devil all around. God bless you so much. Looking forward to see many of you in Africa very soon. And later on with many nations is on the line to we should visit. Thank you and have a blessed day. God bless.

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