Springs of Revival International
Our compassionate Father, God, blesses us with the Holy Spirit when we are born again.
Our compassionate Father, God, blesses us with the Holy Spirit when we are born again.

Too many people are seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit without realizing that if the Holy Spirit has departed from them, they are in a perilous state.

Our compassionate Father, God, blesses us with the Holy Spirit when we are born again.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit serves as a seal, securing God's covenant with us through our King, Jesus Christ.

God remains faithful to His promises and covenant, but it is within our power to break this sacred bond.

Your words matters

It is crucial not to speak falsely, as it undermines our trust in the Almighty God through Jesus.

We must be empowered by the Holy Spirit and recharge our spiritual batteries.

The connection between our batteries and the power station lies within us.


We simply need to activate the generator through faith, trust, prayers, and actions.

Our generator is fueled by the Living Water.

Increasing the flow

By increasing the flow of the Living Water from within us to those around us, the voltage on our spiritual batteries rises.

Today, I pray that the Living Water from your spirit touches many lives with the love and power of Jesus.

Fill yourself with the Living Water by immersing yourself in the good news of Jesus through reading the Bible.

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