The Holy Spirit guided me to read the letter to Rome 6 about to be baptized by faith in water. After I met Jesus 32 years ago, I started to read the Bible. The Holy Spirit guided me to important points for me in the beginning.
At that time I had been baptized as a child in a Lutheran state church, my parents were not Christians. They were only traditional.
We are dead from the sin when we are baptized to Jesus death
- We get buried with Jesus in the watergrave in the baptism.
- We become one with Jesus like His death.
- We become one with Him in the resurection power.
- Our old human get crucified with Christ.
- Our old habits get destroyed.
- You are free from old bondage, sicknes, depration and witchcraft.
The spirit of slavery is broken
In the water baptism we are entering into righteousness, because we become death from sin.
And the spirit of death has no more power over us.
Then I was reading. Colossians 2: 11 -12
Then 2 Corinthians 5: 17
At that time I had diabetes and 2 broken knees from an accident.
I made a commitment with Jesus, I will take water baptism and be crucified with you, be buried with You and be risen with You. And I will be totally healed. The knew creation will not have the old troubles and sickness.
I got baptized in the Atlantic Ocean in November with very cold water. My pastor was freezing, but innside me, my whole body was burning. I got totaly healed in the water baptism by faith.
The city Almaty in Kazakhstan
Some years later I was invited to a lady's house for prayers in the city Almaty in Kazakhstan 🇰🇿. She was dying in cancer. Only skin and bones. She was laying in her bed, and I lay my hand on her for prayers. But the healing power stopped in my fingers. It didn't want to flow into the lady for healing.
I told the lady that she needed to clean up with Jesus. I told the pastor, that we will go into the living room and she can confess to you. Some minutes later the pastor called on us.
I want to be baptized in water
We came into the sleeping room, and the lady said: I want to be baptized in water. The churh had told her in several years that she needed to be baptized. But she had refused to do it. And she told me that I should baptize her. She was so sick that it was impossible to bring her to church or some big water tank.
I asked Jesus; what shall I do.
Jesus said, take a glass of water. Put the fingers on one hand into the water in the glass and take some water on her forehead. I was doing that And baptized her in Jesus on her own confession. Then I prayed, and te healing power was flowing into her body.
6 mounts later we visited her again
She was totaly healed and she was washing her house. Her daughter and grand daughter had also been follower of Christ.
Some years later I shared my testimony and also this ladies testimony on a conference in Prague, Tcheckoslovakia. On the conference that the bad legs become like soft mud under prayer. And I could form them to right shape with my hands in Jesus name. A lady came forward, she said, I want to be baptized tonight.
I asked Jesus how to do it? Jesus said. Take the big can of drinking water and poor it all over her head. I was doing that and baptized her.
Free from depression and heavy medical treatment
Next day she came back and testified. Last night she came free from depression and heavy medical treatment.
She was set free from the devils slavery.
The biblical normal baptism is complete under the water. But sometimes you need to ask Jesus how to do it.
Water baptism is dynamite in the spiritual realm.
Good bless to all of you, servants of Jesus!