Springs of Revival International
The Mind of Christ
The Mind of Christ

This is a transcript and rewritten of the zoom meeting

Today, we delve deeper into this fascinating topic and seek wisdom through prayer.

We thank Jesus for granting us access to His presence, where our spiritual eyes and ears are opened to receive His message.

In our previous discussion, we emphasized that Jesus' mind is the mind of God.

As part of the Trinity, He was present during creation and played a pivotal role in shaping the world.

Today, Jesus spoke to me, reminding me that His mind is synonymous with His personality.

Therefore, when we seek the mind of Christ, we are asking for His attitude and guidance in every situation.

Allow me to share a personal testimony.

Thirty-two years ago, I encountered Jesus and experienced a radical transformation.

Despite my initial disdain for Christians and all things related to Christianity, a kind woman invited me to a meeting.

It was there that I met Jesus and surrendered my life to Him.

From that moment on, I couldn't help but share the good news of Jesus with others.

I knocked on doors, inviting people to meetings and proclaiming Jesus as the only solution.

Many thought I was crazy, especially coming from a non-Christian family.

However, I had undergone a profound change in my mind, becoming "crazy for Jesus."

Understanding and aligning ourselves with Jesus' mind takes time, especially as newborn believers.

Even the disciples struggled to fully comprehend Jesus during their three years of companionship.

In one instance, Jesus was peacefully resting in a boat while a storm raged around them.

This story can be found in Mark 8:13-21.

Jesus cautioned his disciples to beware of the influence of the Pharisees and Herod, using the metaphor of yeast.

As believers, we must guard against being swayed by negative influences and instead stay connected to Jesus.

The disciples, however, misunderstood His warning and worried about not having enough bread.

Jesus, always aware of their thoughts, questioned their lack of understanding and reminded them of His miraculous feeding of thousands with just a few loaves and fish.

This story serves as a reminder for us to reflect on the miraculous works Jesus has done in our lives and to guard against developing hardened hearts.

A hardened heart can hinder our spiritual perception and prevent us from aligning our minds with Christ.

Let us strive to keep our hearts open and receptive to God's work in our lives.

But why did Jesus come?

He embarked on a grand mission to rescue humanity.

His mind is the architect of the greatest rescue operation in history.

God desired fellowship with beings who resembled Him, so He created us and the earth.

The devil, however, stole humanity away, prompting Jesus to sacrifice His own life to redeem us from the clutches of evil.

Today, we are part of this ongoing rescue operation, reaching out to those who have never heard the gospel or who have rejected it.

We are called to be active participants in this mission and can only do so with a renewed mind, fully aligned with Christ's.

When I embarked on a mission to Bhutan, despite skepticism from others, I sought God's guidance.

I desired His roadmap for sharing the gospel in a place where it seemed impossible.

And in a moment of divine intervention, I saw a map of Bhutan etched on a small stone.

It was marked with a specific path to follow.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, I realized that to carry out Jesus' work, I needed to align my mind with His and follow His plan.

Just as I meticulously plan and create carpets, ensuring every detail reflects my craftsmanship, we too must approach Jesus' work with dedication and excellence.

Everything we do should bear the mark of God's service, honoring Jesus and glorifying His name.

Allow me to share another story, this time about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

Prior to this miracle, Jesus and His disciples had fled Jerusalem to escape those who sought to harm them.

However, upon hearing that Lazarus was gravely ill, Jesus purposely delayed His journey.

The disciples, fearing for their safety, questioned His decision.

Yet Jesus calmly insisted on going to Lazarus, even though it meant facing potential danger.

The disciples eventually agreed to accompany Jesus, despite their concerns.

This story serves as a reminder that we must trust and obey Jesus, even when faced with challenging circumstances.

Our obedience and alignment with His mind allow us to fulfill His plans and purposes.

They were obedient because when Jesus spoke, they had no choice but to follow him.

They arrived at the village where Lazarus, Marta, and Mary lived. Marta expressed disappointment that Jesus had come too late.

Despite knowing Jesus and his power, they doubted his ability to save Lazarus.

Jesus reassured them that Lazarus was only sleeping and would wake up again.

However, they replied with skepticism, mentioning the belief that resurrection would only happen on the last day.

Jesus was disappointed by their lack of faith in what he had said.

Faith is the key.

It requires trust, belief, and confidence in Jesus and his abilities.

We don't need to rely on elaborate words or rituals; our faith alone is sufficient.

We must have faith in Jesus and in what he will do for us.

Jesus approached Lazarus' grave, where many people were mourning.

Some expressed doubt, believing it was too late.

But Jesus confidently declared that Lazarus would rise again.

Despite the skepticism, Jesus was not murmuring because Lazarus had died; he was disheartened by their lack of belief in his words.

He wondered how much longer he would have to endure such disbelief.

As we reflect on our own experiences with Christ, we remember the great things he has done in our lives.

These memories strengthen our faith.

Jesus knew it was time to raise Lazarus from the dead and establish a church in that place.

We may doubt our own ability to accomplish great things, but the Bible promises that we can do all things through Christ.

We often hear about the Ten Commandments, but there are deeper commandments from Jesus that guide our lives.

These commandments reflect the mind of Christ and lead us to bring revival, harvest souls, and set captives free.

When our minds are renewed and we are united with Christ, we will be passionate about soul-winning and setting captives free.

If we lack this passion, it's a sign that we don't have the mind of Christ.

We must hunger for it.
Just as Jesus didn't harbor hatred or anger towards people, but instead showed love and care, we too should strive to love and serve others.

Jesus forgave a woman caught in adultery, showing mercy and teaching her to sin no more.

He also challenged those who were without sin to cast the first stone, reminding them of their own imperfections.

In Mark 16, Jesus instructs us to go out and preach the gospel to all creation.

He promises that signs and wonders will follow those who believe. We shouldn't chase after signs and wonders, but rather focus on preaching the gospel in power and glory.

Jesus has given us authority to cast out evil spirits, speak in tongues, handle dangerous situations, and heal the sick.

We can even raise the dead, as seen in the testimony of Mam, who experienced a miraculous resurrection.

When we speak with clarity and confidence, using the name of Jesus, we tap into the same authority.

Walking on water symbolizes our ability to walk in the living water of the Bible, relying on God's promises and the love of Jesus.

When we have the mind of Christ, we can't harbor hate or anger towards others.

Our purpose is to preach the gospel, set people free, and heal the sick.

This requires a whole-hearted commitment and a daily determination to be in one mind with Christ.

Attending church on the last day of the week is not enough if we are disobedient for the other six days.

Our calling is to be ready to rescue the bride, to make disciples, baptize them, and teach them all that Jesus has taught us.

If we preach the gospel and lay our hands on the sick, they will be healed.

This is a promise from the Lord.

We must fulfill our part in the covenant by doing our part in the rescue mission, and God will faithfully fulfill the rest.

We invite you to share this message with your friends and help spread the blessings of God.

Thank you for listening, and may God bless you abundantly.

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