Springs of Revival International
The Gifts of The Spirit
The Gifts of The Spirit

Spiritual gifts are incredibly important in our journey as Christians.

When I first encountered Jesus and became a Christian, I found myself in a house group where the use of spiritual gifts was encouraged and celebrated.

It was a beautiful experience to witness everyone in the group using their spiritual gifts to help and support one another.

Later on, we were blessed to have a Norwegian missionary join us who had traveled extensively and taught us about faith.

It's crucial to remember that spiritual gifts are given to us by God's grace.

Spiritual gifts are not something we earn or deserve

The apostle Paul even tells us that we can ask for and receive these gifts, especially the prophetic gifts.
But why do we have these spiritual gifts?
They are meant to build up the church, not just the physical building, but the people who make up the body of Christ.

It's about unity in diversity, working together in respect and harmony.

Everyone should have the opportunity to use their spiritual gifts within the church.

Unfortunately, I've noticed that many churches and pastors don't allow others to use their spiritual gifts.

They try to do everything themselves, which goes against the spirit of unity and diversity that the Bible teaches.

We need to let the Holy Spirit use all the vessels in our churches, not just the pastors.

In my own experience, I've seen the negative effects of a church that doesn't allow the use of spiritual gifts.
My wife and I attended a traditional church for a time where we were never given the chance to use our gifts.

Only a select few were allowed to operate in their spiritual gifts, which created a sense of exclusion and limited growth within the church.

Don't try to control the Holy Spirit

Leadership often tries to control the Holy Spirit and dictate how meetings should go, but we must remember that the Holy Spirit is the one who should be leading.

We need to respect and value all the individuals in our churches as temples of the Holy Spirit, each with their unique gifts and callings.

Having faith is essential in walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.

When the Lord speaks to us, we must have the courage to obey and take action.

It may seem daunting or risky, but it's more dangerous to ignore the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Signs and wonders

The use of spiritual gifts can also involve signs and wonders.

I remember a powerful moment during a church visit in Uganda.

I spoke a word of warning to a bishop who was ruling his congregation with control and manipulation.

As I spoke, the electricity in the area suddenly went out, leaving everyone in shock.

It was a clear sign of the power of God and a reminder that He can do amazing things through us.

However, it's important to note that not all gifts are about signs and wonders.

Speaking wisdom and knowledge into situations is also a gift of the Spirit.

Prophetic words or words of knowledge should always be accompanied by encouragement and a reflection of the love and grace of Jesus.

Unity in diversity

Ultimately, it's about unity in diversity within the church.

We are all part of one body, and we should respect and value each other's gifts and callings.

Let us embrace the use of spiritual gifts, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and work together to build up the church as a place of love, mercy, and revival.

Therefore, if someone comes to me and says, "The Lord has called me," I respond with excitement and say, "That's great! Let's pray together. I want to help you in your prayers."

It's important to seek wisdom and knowledge to understand and speak to people in various situations, such as problems in marriage or business.

We need the spiritual gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and faith to navigate these situations and to hear and follow the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Having faith is crucial

Having faith is crucial because without it, we cannot effectively use the gift of wisdom and knowledge.

We also need faith to discern and handle signs and messages from God.

It's essential to believe and trust in Jesus in order to confidently step out in faith and do what the Holy Spirit leads us to do.

Without faith, we will falter.

The difference between gifts and the office

Now, let's talk about the difference between the prophetic gift and the office of a prophet.

Many people claim to be prophets because they have the gift of prophecy, but there is a distinction.

In the Bible, we see examples of individuals with the spiritual gift of prophecy, like the daughters who prophesied to Paul.

However, being a prophet is an office with specific responsibilities.

I hope you don't get angry with me for saying this, but it's important to remember that the Bible was written by people inspired by God.

And when it comes to discerning spirits, we can learn from the example of Jesus being led by the Holy Spirit into the desert to be tempted.

The devil used the Word of God, but with the wrong spirit

We must be cautious and discern whether someone's message truly comes from the Spirit of God.

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul writes about the special abilities that the Holy Spirit gives to each believer.

These abilities vary, but they all come from the same Spirit and are meant to help the entire church.

Some receive the gift of giving wise advice, others excel in studying and teaching.

Special faith

There are those with special faith, the power to heal, the ability to perform miracles, and the gift of prophecy and preaching.

Speaking in tongues is another gift, where some can speak in languages they have never learned, and others can interpret these languages.

It's important to note that speaking in tongues can refer to the ability to speak in different languages, as seen on the day of Pentecost when the apostles spoke in various languages.

In personal experiences, I have witnessed the Holy Spirit revealing messages through tongues and interpretations in church gatherings.


The Holy Spirit decides which gifts each person receives, and just like our physical bodies have many parts that make up one body, so it is with the body of Christ.

Every member of the church has a vital role to play, and it is important for leaders to encourage and empower individuals to use their spiritual gifts.

When we stifle the use of these gifts, we hinder the growth and vitality of the church.

I want to emphasize that every gift is unique and given by God before we were even born.

As leaders, we must not block the spiritual gifts in the church but allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in utilizing these gifts.

Let's create an environment where all members can contribute and serve, allowing the power of Jesus to flow through us and bring glory to God.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to our teaching today. We pray that God blesses you and we encourage you to share this message with your friends.

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