Springs of Revival International
The Grace Of God

Title: Amazing Grace: Receiving and Reflecting God’s Unmerited Favor

Text: Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV) - "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."

I. Introduction

Hook: Share a personal story or illustration about receiving something you didn’t deserve (e.g., forgiveness, a gift, or a second chance).

Comment: This helps the audience connect emotionally and understand the concept of grace in a relatable way.

Definition of Grace: Grace is God’s unmerited favor—His love, mercy, and kindness given to us freely, even though we don’t deserve it.

Comment: Emphasize that grace is not something we can earn or achieve; it is a gift from God.

Thesis: Today, we will explore the depth of God’s grace, how it transforms our lives, and how we can respond to it.

Comment: Set the stage for the sermon by outlining the three main points: the nature, manifestation, and response to grace.

II. The Nature of God’s Grace

1. Grace is Unearned (Ephesians 2:8-9)

    • Salvation is a gift, not a reward for good works.
Comment: Highlight that no amount of human effort can earn salvation—it is purely God’s gift.
    • We cannot boast because it is entirely God’s work.
Comment: Remind the audience that humility is key in receiving grace; there’s no room for pride.

2. Grace is Abundant (Romans 5:20)

    • Where sin increased, grace increased all the more.
Comment: God’s grace is limitless and always greater than our sin or failures.
    • God’s grace is greater than our failures.
Comment: Encourage those who feel unworthy—God’s grace covers all sin.

3. Grace is Sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9)

    • God’s grace is enough to sustain us in weakness.
Comment: Share a testimony or example of how God’s grace has sustained someone in difficult times.
    • His power is made perfect in our weakness.
Comment: Encourage the audience to rely on God’s strength, especially when they feel inadequate.

III. The Manifestation of God’s Grace

1. Grace in Salvation (Titus 3:4-7)

    • God saved us not because of our righteousness but because of His mercy.
Comment: Emphasize that salvation is rooted in God’s character, not our performance.
    • Through grace, we are justified and made heirs of eternal life.
Comment: Explain how grace changes our identity—from sinners to children of God.

2. Grace in Daily Life (Hebrews 4:16)

    • We can approach God’s throne of grace with confidence to find mercy and help in time of need.
Comment: Encourage the audience to pray boldly, knowing God’s grace is available in every situation.
    • Grace empowers us to live for Christ daily.
Comment: Share practical ways grace helps us overcome temptation, fear, and doubt.

3. Grace in Relationships (Ephesians 4:32)

    • We are called to extend grace to others as God has extended it to us.
Comment: Challenge the audience to forgive and show kindness, even when it’s difficult.
    • Forgiveness and kindness are expressions of God’s grace through us.
Comment: Give examples of how grace can transform relationships—marriages, friendships, and even conflicts.

IV. Responding to God’s Grace

1. Receive It Humbly (James 4:6)

    • God gives grace to the humble.
Comment: Explain that humility involves acknowledging our need for God and surrendering our pride.
    • Acknowledge your need for His grace and surrender your pride.
Comment: Encourage self-reflection—are there areas where pride is blocking God’s grace?

2. Live Gratefully (Colossians 3:15-17)

    • Let gratitude for God’s grace overflow in worship and obedience.
Comment: Suggest practical ways to express gratitude, such as prayer, giving, and serving others.
    • Reflect His grace in your words and actions.
Comment: Challenge the audience to be intentional about showing grace in their daily interactions.

3. Share It Freely (Matthew 10:8)

    • Just as you have received grace, give it to others.
Comment: Share stories of how extending grace has impacted lives or communities.
    • Be a vessel of God’s love and mercy in a broken world.
Comment: Encourage the audience to look for opportunities to share God’s grace with those around them.

V. Conclusion

Recap: God’s grace is unearned, abundant, and sufficient. It saves us, sustains us, and empowers us to live for Him.

Comment: Summarize the key points to reinforce the message.

Call to Action:

    • If you’ve never received God’s grace, today is the day to accept His gift of salvation.
Comment: Offer an invitation to accept Christ and experience His grace.
    • If you’ve experienced His grace, commit to living a life of gratitude and sharing His grace with others.
Comment: Challenge believers to take practical steps to live out God’s grace daily.

Closing Prayer: Thank God for His amazing grace and ask for His help to live in light of it.

Comment: Lead the congregation in a prayer of thanksgiving and commitment.

Optional Benediction:

"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." (2 Corinthians 13:14)

Comment: Use this benediction to send the congregation out with a reminder of God’s grace and presence.

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