Springs of Revival International
Made Righteous: Your Identity in Christ
Made Righteous: Your Identity in Christ

Scripture Passage:2 Corinthians 5:21 ("For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.")

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Hook: Start with a thought-provoking question: "Have you ever felt like you’re not good enough for God? Like your mistakes define you?"

Theme: "Today, we’re going to explore the incredible truth that in Christ, you are made righteous—not by your works, but by His grace."

Thesis: "Because of Jesus, you stand before God as righteous, fully accepted and loved."

1. The Problem of Our Righteousness

Scripture: Isaiah 64:6 ("All our righteous acts are like filthy rags...")

Explanation: On our own, we can never be good enough to meet God’s perfect standard.

Comment 1: "Think about it—no matter how hard we try, we always fall short. Even our best efforts are tainted by selfish motives or pride."

Comment 2: "This is why religion can feel so exhausting. It’s like trying to climb a mountain with no top. But the gospel is different—it’s not about us climbing to God; it’s about God reaching down to us."

Illustration: Share a story or analogy about trying to earn approval (e.g., a child trying to earn a parent’s love).

Application: Recognize that self-righteousness will always fall short.

2. The Gift of Righteousness in Christ

Scripture: Romans 3:22-24 ("This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe...")

Explanation: Jesus took our sin and gave us His righteousness. It’s a gift, not something we earn.

Comment 1: "Imagine someone paying off a debt you could never afford. That’s what Jesus did for us—He paid the price for our sin and gave us His perfect record."

Comment 2: "This gift is free, but it cost Jesus everything. He didn’t just cover our sin; He exchanged it for His righteousness."

Illustration: Use the analogy of a courtroom—Jesus takes our guilt and gives us His perfect record.

Application: Receive this gift by faith, not by works.

3. Living Out Your Righteous Identity

Scripture: Philippians 3:9 ("...not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ...")

Explanation: Because we are made righteous in Christ, we can live confidently and freely, not in fear or shame.

Comment 1: "When we truly grasp that we are righteous in Christ, it changes everything. We don’t have to live in fear of God’s rejection or punishment."

Comment 2: "This doesn’t mean we’re perfect, but it means we’re secure. Our identity isn’t based on our performance but on Christ’s finished work."

Illustration: Share a story of someone who transformed their life after realizing their identity in Christ.

Application: Walk in the freedom of your righteousness by trusting Christ daily.


Reflect: Do you still try to earn God’s approval, or are you resting in the righteousness of Christ?

Act: Let go of guilt and shame, and embrace your identity as righteous in Christ.

Encourage: Share this truth with someone who feels unworthy or burdened by their past.


Summary: "Because of Jesus, you are not defined by your sin or shortcomings. You are the righteousness of God in Christ."

Call to Action: "Today, choose to live in the freedom of your new identity. You are loved, accepted, and made righteous by His grace."

Closing Prayer: "Lord, thank You for making us righteous through Jesus. Help us to live in the fullness of this truth every day. Amen."

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