Springs of Revival International

We believe in the full teaching of Jesus Crist.

Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.

We believe in The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit as one.

We believe in salvation by faith only.

We believe in a living life with a deep heart connection with our Lord and savior Jesus.

We are one in Jesus as Jesus is one with the Father.

We believe in Jesus promises, that we are under the New Testament law of freedom.

We believe that Jesus restored the Agape Love connection between God our Heavenly Father and the Born-Again Christian.

We believe that every Born-Again Christian is a living stone in the New Testament temple.

We Believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire. To be empowered to go out and share the good news without condemnation. The following signs as healing, deliverance, and to raise up death people shall follow, us as the Holy Spirit Guides us.

We believe in the authority in the mighty name of Jesus to take control in every situation and to take down all the devil fortresses that hinder our work for Jesus.

We are ruling with Christ.

We believe in a finished work by Jesus at the cross. We can’t gain anything with “our work”. We shall walk in readymade duties.

Jesus is our provider, not men.

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