Springs of Revival International








What is the population in Brazil?

Brazil’s total population was 214.7 million in January 2022.

Capital: Brasília

Springs of Revival International in Brazil

Ministry: Maná de Letras


Rua XV de Novembro,.2406
Centro, Pomerode-SC
Cep 89107-000

Leonardo Lima RibeiroPastor: Leonardo Lima Ribeiro

Phone +55 47 996726686

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Ministry: Ministério Filhos do Rei

Address: Rua Maria do Carmo Meira hamad 89, Velame
Campina Grande, PB

Pastor: Janderson Fernandes

Phone: +55 83 993253717

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ministry: Semear

Address: Avenida General Newton Cavalcante, 462, Torre 04, Apt 05, Vila da Inabi, Camaragibe-PE. CEP 54.753-220.
Condomínio Ideal Portal de Aldeia

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Pastor: Lucas Orlando Moura Andrade

Miss Milka Rafaella Santana de Souza Andrade

Phone: +55 81 998939709

logo Igreja Ressurreicao em CristoMinistry: Igreja Ressurreição em Cristo

Address: Igreja Ressurreição em Cristo
Rua Médico César Cals de Oliveira,625 casa 04-Pau Amarelo -Paulista-PE

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pastor Sandro Ferrer

Pastora Socorro Amaral

O meu celular: (81)997155540

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