Springs of Revival International
Full Armor of God
Full Armor of God

Have you been thinking on that.?

First of all, we open the door for sickness demons and all kind of spiritual attacks because we use weapons that is not working.

When the church closed the doors for Jesus apostels and prophets. The devil managed to seduce the church with wrong doctrines.

The Apostels and prophets shall lay down the biblical foundation and guard it from the devil.



The blood of Jesus cleans us and protect us against God's wrath. It was God's angel that killed all the first born sons in Egypt. Not the devils demons. 

If the blood of Jesus protect us, why are so many in troubles and are sick or die to early?

We get power from the blood of Jesus to fight and overcome all things. We are washed holly and has got the authority to stand in the fight .

It's only one thing that cover us against attacks.

It God full Armor

And you must know how to use the spiritual weapons.

The belt of the armor. The belt of the truth is the same belt as Jesus is carrying.

The truths in the belt are :

  • Jesus promisses in the bible.
  • Your calling
  • Your anoiting
  • The authority in Jesus name
  • You are born again, everything are knew.
  • Your prayers
  • Your parents and grandparents prayer for you.
  • All blessings that have been spoken over you
  • Your revelation in the bible given by the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus prayers for you in heaven.
  • Your ready-made duties from heaven.
  • Your promised land.

When I 'm teaching about the God's Armour, normally the Lord give me wisdom so I can prophecies into the students calling and life. Then it's easier for them to understand their truth in their belt.

Use the spiritual Sword and take down all the devils attack against you. Use the authority in Jesus name and take down all the devils fortresses in Jesus name. Remember, you are more the an overcomer in every situation.

Be one with Jesus in God's full Armor

The Blood of Jesus don't protect you. Because of that you are covered by Jesus blood, you can go into the Holy of Holy in heaven. 

Because of Jesus authority and God's full Armor, You can destroy all the devils fortresses and bind all the devils attacks. You can take down all giants in your promised land.

My prayers tonight are that you shall be strong in God's full Armor and live in Jesus Freedom with good health, good financial blessings, and to rest in God's sabbath peace.

God Bless.

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