Springs of Revival International
Healing to the heart of Europe
Healing to the heart of Europe

I have learned by the years that it's very important to follow the Lords instruction, when we are doing ministry for Him.
Many years ago the Lord told me to have a crusade/ conference in Prague, the capitol of Tcheckoslovakia in Europe.

A friend found 5 places that could be rented.
I took a flight from Norway to Prague to find the right place.

I lost all power

When the flight captain said. Prepare for landing, I lost all power, I got so weak.
And the devil spoked to me; the work is to big, you will die on the streets.
I managed to say. My Jesus can transform this citty in 1 day.
Immediately I got my power back, and I could leave the flight and went too the underground.

The glass over my head did explode

When the train came to an glass tunnel.
The glass over my head exploded.
The train stopped and the train driver came to examine the reason.
I told them. It's only the devil that doesn't like that I'm here.

We arrived Prague and we started to look at the places we could rent.
The first 2 places the Lord said no.
The 3 rd place looked so nice, all technical equipment. But the Lord said no. In this place you will come in troubles with the owner when I start to do miracels. The owner was the catolic church.

This is the place said the Lord

The 4 th place was an old theater, the Lord said, this is the place said the Lord and we booked the place.

3 months later we came back to begin the conference. But I was doing a big mistake. The Lord had told me to bring with us a worship leader from Norway to do the worship. But!

Some leaders in Prague ask me, it can be nice to have some worship in our language also.
I said good, but it was not what the Lord told me to do.

The first day in conference was very nice and a choir came and was a part of the worship.

He made troubles with my worship leader

The next day, a very famous worship artist in Prague came. He made troubles with my worship leader.
He put up his keyboard in the front part of the stage and started to worship.
Nice songs, but no anoiting. Only a concert.

When I started to speak, it was so hard.

When I started to pray for people, heaven was closed. I asked Jesus, what is the problem?

He answered: You are the problem!

You let this worship leader from Prague come.
He built an alter for the devil on stage with his proudness.
You must go back on the stage and ask the people of forgiveness and restart the meeting.

I went up on stage, I had to humbel myself in front of 485 people and say; please forgive me that I let this man built an alter for the devil with hos proudness. This man got angry and took his keyboard and run out.

Another chance

I asked the people, can you give us one more chance and start the meeting from beginning.
We had already used almost 2 hours.
All people said yes please, do that.

I asked my worship leader about forgiveness and ask him to start with worship.
He played 1 song, I spoked 10 minutes and then I started to pray for the people.

The legs were shaped

First person in the line was a lady with her legs shaped like a banana. I hold her feet and started to pray. The the Lord said, make massage on the legs.
I made massage on the legs, but not longer up than to the knees. We must be properly also.
The legs become like soft clay and I could form them in right shape in Jesus name.
The next was man with a foot that was in bad shape. I made massage and I could form the foot in Jesus name

Later in other meetings I have tried to do massage under praying. But it's not working.
Be very faithful to the Lords plans in every detail.

Like Moses got the direction to make the first tabernacle and the dresses for the priests and the equipment in the service.
Don't copy other churches when the Lord is calling you to plant a church.

Be obedient to His plans.
God Bless

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