Springs of Revival International
The mind of Christ
The mind of Christ

This is a transcript and is rewritten of the zoom meeting

First of all, let's explore who Christ is. In the beginning of his gospel, John makes it clear that the Word existed from the very beginning.

The Word was with God and the Word was God.

Everything was created through him and with him, and nothing was made without his involvement.

It's important to understand that when we talk about the mind of Christ, we are talking about the mind of the Father, because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one.

What's fascinating is that God, the Almighty, came in human form.

And he didn't come to a palace or a wealthy area. Instead, he was born into poverty and dishonor.

It's truly a humbling and powerful reminder of God's love for us.

The Almighty, in His infinite wisdom, chose to descend to earth and be born into humble circumstances.

Mary and Joseph, though not yet married, were entrusted with the honor of raising the Son of God.

While society at that time may have viewed this as undesirable, we must remember that the ways of God often transcend human understanding.Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger, surrounded by animals.

It is fascinating to note that the wise men, who were not followers of the Christian faith, were able to discern the significance of His birth through celestial signs.

These wise men, who were learned and respected individuals, recognized that a king was to be born.

It is remarkable to ponder how the Almighty, who is all-powerful, chose to become flesh and live among us.

He embraced a life of poverty and dishonor from the moment of His birth.

Yet, even in His humble state, the wise men brought Him gifts fit for a king - gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

These offerings symbolize the worship, healing, and provision that can only be found in Jesus.

After Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary had to flee to Egypt to protect Him.

They relied on the resources provided by the wise men to sustain themselves during their time as refugees.

This reminds us of the profound care and foresight of God, who always plans and prepares for our well-being.

As followers of Christ, it is crucial to align our minds with His.

Let us remember that Jesus, before beginning His ministry, spent years as a carpenter, working diligently with his hands.

In embracing this carpenter-like mindset, we can find purpose and fulfillment in creating and building, just as Jesus did with wood.

When we surrender to the guidance of God, we can trust that He has prepared everything for us.

Let us resist the temptation to rush ahead and accomplish everything on our own. Instead, let us follow Jesus' example of patience and obedience, knowing that He has a divine plan for each of us.

In reflecting on the life of Jesus and His humble beginnings, we are reminded of the extraordinary ways in which God works.

May we continually seek to understand and appreciate the depth of His love and provision for us.

The story you shared has a deep spiritual meaning.

It reminds us of when Jesus healed the blind man and asked him if he could see.

The blind man replied that he could see, but everything looked like trees walking around, describing the people around him.

This highlights how Jesus worked with wood as a carpenter and with people as well.It is also interesting to note how Jesus humbly washed the feet of others, even as a servant.

His compassion and love are truly unique and incomparable. No other god has come down to wash the feet of those living in poverty.

Sometimes, we may think that being big or important is what matters.

However, when we truly follow Christ and have the mind of Christ, we understand that the most powerful things happen in places of deep poverty and need.

It is in these places that we have seen the most powerful miracles and transformations.

For example, I once posted a picture on Facebook from a meeting in Nepal where 65,000 people came.

These people were refugees from a nearby town and were later sent out to various nations, including Australia, America, and Europe, to serve as workers.

It was a blessing to be able to be with them in a refugee camp, even though it was not allowed for Western people to enter.

By being there with them, we built strong relationships and experienced the power of Jesus' love.

Jesus was always there with the people, especially in their times of suffering.

He never hesitated to be present and to serve.

When we engage in ministry, we are called to have the mind of Christ - to be ready to rescue and help others in every situation.

It is important to note that Jesus never begged for support or resources.

He always multiplied what was already there. Just like the miracle of feeding thousands with limited food in the desert, Jesus showed us that we don't need to beg or ask for help.

Instead, we should stand together in one mind, just as Jesus did, and allow Him to take what we have and use it to bring in more help and support.

It is interesting to see that the first miracle recorded in the Bible, where Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, has become a basis for some questionable practices in certain religious beliefs.

The worship of Mary, for example, is based on an act of disobedience.

Jesus initially refused to perform the miracle, but at Mary's request, he did so.

However, this act was not in line with His divine timing or plan.

It is important to understand that Jesus always knows what is best for us, even if we may ask Him for things that are not in our best interest.

To have the mind of Christ means to have a renewed mind that rejects fleshly thinking and limitations.

It is about trusting Jesus and His miracles, even when we can't see the way forward. Just like when Jesus and His disciples were sailing in a boat and a terrible storm came upon them, Jesus remained calm because He knew the purpose and destination.

When we are one with Christ, we should never be afraid of what is happening around us because His love and compassion carry us through every situation.

Jesus calls us to be servants, just as He took on the role of a servant and washed the feet of others.

By humbling ourselves and serving others, we enter into a supernatural fellowship with Jesus and with one another.

This is why my wife and I have washed the feet of our team members during crusades and events. It brings us closer together in the spirit and deepens our love for one another.

Being one with Christ means stepping out in faith, even when others say it's not possible.

We must rebuke our own fleshly thinking and trust in Jesus completely.

He has called us to go with those who seek our help and to be there for them, even in the darkest of times.

Just like when Jesus stopped to speak with a woman who touched His garment and was healed, we must take time for others and have faith that all things are possible for those who believe.

Even in the face of discouragement, we must remember that with Jesus, nothing is impossible.

We should not be swayed by the doubts and limitations of others.

Instead, we should have the mind of Christ and trust in His love and promises.

When Jesus heard that the synagogue leader's daughter had died, He still went with him, showing us that He never leaves us and is always there, even in the most difficult moments.

In conclusion, having the mind of Christ means having a renewed mind that rejects fleshly thinking and limitations.

It is about trusting in Jesus and His miracles, serving others with humility and love, and stepping out in faith, even when others say it's not possible.

We should always remember that with Jesus, all things are possible, and His love and compassion will carry us through every situation.

It can be challenging when we experience difficult situations within our families.

However, Jesus reassures us not to worry and to have faith in Him.

His presence brings hope and strength, allowing us to trust in Him.

By listening to His voice and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can move forward with confidence.

There may be times when we feel like it's too late, but with Jesus, it's never too late.

He can use us in any situation, even when others doubt.

We must trust in Him and encourage others to do the same.

Sometimes, it's necessary to remove ourselves from negative influences and focus on the mind of Christ.

Jesus demonstrated his power and compassion when he entered the house of a young girl named Tabitha.

He only allowed a select few to accompany Him.

With a simple command, "Tabitha, stand up," He brought her back to life.

It's important to note that Jesus always had a greater purpose in mind.

We must align our thoughts with His and not rely on our own understanding.

In moments of miracles and praise, it's crucial to remember that Jesus is always thinking about every aspect of a situation.

Just as doctors attend to the physical needs of a revived person, Jesus knows that nourishment is necessary.

When we walk in the mind of Christ, we receive wisdom and knowledge to fulfill every need and bring His love to others.

During a gathering in India, we witnessed the power of prayer.

A lady who had been suffering from asthma experienced a severe attack. With focused prayers, we had to remove distractions and rely on the Spirit's guidance.

We should be cautious of practices that may call upon evil spirits disguised as the Holy Spirit. It's essential to discern the true source of our prayers.

We hope that this message has touched your heart and encouraged you today.

Please share it with your friends so that they too can be blessed. May God's blessings be upon you.

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