Springs of Revival International
The Lord told him to sit in a hole in a big tree outside town and pray
The Lord told him to sit in a hole in a big tree outside town and pray

Have we missed something important in our daily service 🤔?

Today, my son and I have started on a new project at work. Restoring and making it more modern also. Then the Lord started to speak to me.

Tell the people to remember to look at the leaders from the past and learn from the good fruits and bad fruits you can recognize in their ministry.

If we look at the first Pentecost day, Peter speaks a clear message about:

  • Rejecting God and Jesus.
  • To repent from religious activities.

To believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior

Peter was not speaking about all kinds of sin outside church and Christianity. He spoke a clear message to believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

  • The message was not empowered by an amplifier
  • The message was real heavenly power of the Holy Spirit
  • No sound system
  • Not worship in 2 hours
  • No big stage
  • No colorfully light

But a colorful strait message sharp like a dobbel edge sword. 3000 people got born again. Next day 5000 people.

If it's not heavenly empowered words we speak, we just have a circus or a theater.

The man in a tree

150 years ago in the USA, it was a man who was man anointed to preach.

One time, the Lord told him to sit in a hole in a big tree outside town and pray. He was praying for many days.

Squirrels came with nuts

Squirrels came with nuts for him to eat. More and more people started to come and have a look at the man in tree.

One day, almost all people in the town came to see. Then he spoke like Peter, and all people received the message and got born again.

It's good with nice worship. It's nice with colorfully lights. It's nice with a sound system. I love it. But most important is the message from heaven, empowered by the resurection power.

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